Nation’s Dental In-School Oral Health Program

Healthy smiles for all children

In partnership with


Providing children with affordable preventive dental services

For average Canadian families, there are countless barriers to accessing quality oral health care for their children, most particularly financial, health literacy, language, time, and transportation barriers.

But when children and youth go without dental care and are forced to endure tooth pain and infection, it affects their ability to focus and flourish, negatively impacting their self-esteem and overall health.

If you are an educator, you know how detrimental these effects can be on their learning and well-being. These families and students need your support and with your help, we can provide it.

Contact us to see if your school meets our eligibility criteria.


In-school dental services for children

  • Dental check-ups

    Regular dental check-ups keep teeth and gums healthy while catching potential problems early.

  • Fluoride treatment

    Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a non-invasive topically applied treatment that stops tooth decay from getting worse. SDF can eliminate the need for a filling, avoiding expensive dental care and the use of anaesthetic. For teeth that can benefit from SDF, it reduces the cost of care, particularly for those who cannot afford dental treatment. It is great for children who are high risk for developing cavities, have behavioral management issues, and need to maintain their baby teeth.

  • Oral health education

    Teaching children how to take care of their teeth and gums is a very important part of preventive oral hygiene.

  • Referrals

    If our team identifies that your child needs additional dental care beyond our preventive treatments, such as fillings or tooth removal (extraction), we can refer them to our trusted network of dentists and dental specialists.

Affordable dental services for students

  • We will work with you to find the perfect date(s) and arrange all the details for your on-site dental hygiene clinic.

    Connect with a clinic coordinator

  • Our mobile team will come to the school on scheduled date(s) and set up the clinic.

    Treatments provided onsite may include, but is not exclusive of, the following: oral (dental) exam, radiographs (x-rays), scaling (removing hard bacteria), tooth polishing (removal of soft deposits/bacteria), fluoride treatment, silver diamine fluoride to prevent tooth decay from getting worse, dental sealants, and oral health education.

    Treatment is specific to the individual child's needs.

  • Depending on the needs of the child, we can refer to dental specialists as committed as we are to providing affordable services. Regular dental hygiene appointments and exams are essential to maintaining a healthy mouth.

    We can arrange follow-up clinics at your school every six months to ensure continuing care.

Dental care for the leaders of tomorrow

Oral health issues like cavities and infections can stop children from living a comfortable, healthy lifestyle. The longer the wait, the more expensive and complex the treatment. 

Contact us today and learn how your school can help students receive the care they need.