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Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, there is no extra charge for our mobile service. Providing care directly to your group is how we can make healthcare more equitable and accessible for everyone.

  • Nation’s Dental prioritizes equity, affordability, and accessibility so that you can access dental care barrier free no matter what your social status is.

    Our mobile dental hygiene clinic has specialized equipment which enables us to mobilize traditional dental office equipment and bring it directly to your organization or home, so you will receive the same quality of care, at a price and location that works for you.

  • If an individual is needing treatments outside our preventative oral health services, we have a network of specialists as dedicated as we are to providing affordable dental.

  • Yes! We direct bill to most insurance companies. See the complete list in the section below.

  • There is support available for low-income families and individuals. We’d be happy to send resources your way. Contact us.

  • We provide services morning, afternoon, evening and on weekends to accommodate the needs of our patients. We work with your organization, community, or residential home to make our clinic hours work for you!

  • Nation’s Dental is the dental subsidiary of Nations Health, a non-profit currently applying for charitable status. Nation’s Dental uses a unique social entrepreneurial model to provide sustainable and equitable oral hygiene services to local priority populations, independent of donations or government funding. Profits made from our services are used to subsidize our patients services, particularly for those most in need.

  • The Canadian Dental Association recommends that most people get a dental exam every 6 months, as it is best to catch any oral health issues early. The longer an issue goes untreated, the worse it may get. This could lead to more issues and even more expensive treatments. Depending on the state of your oral health, your dentist may recommend more or less frequent visits, but it is important to stay on top of your oral health.

  • Inquire with your current dental office about the process of releasing your dental files and request them to transfer your files to us. We will provide you with all the information you need once you contact us.

  • Your physical and dental health is our priority. As of July 1, 2021, the Alberta Dental Association & College has implemented these Key Considerations for Dental Practice Moving Forward During the COVID-19 Pandemic. We follow the joint recommendations of the colleges, predominately the CRDHA guidelines.

Coverage explained