Corporate Partnerships

​​Host oral health clinics for your employees or boost your social impact with socially responsible sponsorships


Join us in revolutionizing the way people access dental care in Canada. Help directly fund equitable clinics by including Nation’s Dental into your corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy. Or simply host a mobile clinic at your workplace to help support your team’s oral health and wellbeing. 

Nation’s Dental can bill most insurance plans directly, and the mobile oral health services are provided at no additional cost to your company.


Steps towards affordable & equitable care

  • 1.a Demonstrate social responsibility and sponsor an oral Health Clinic for those who are less fortunate in your community. Partner with a Not For Profit or social agency working with underserved populations to provide much needed oral health care.

    Our clinic coordinator will be happy to assist finding the right organizational fit, and/or liaising with your organizations.

    1.b Host an Oral Health Clinic for your team onsite; support their wellness today!

    Connect with a clinic coordinator

  • 2.a Our clinic coordinator will liaise with your office and the Not for Profit or social agency to arrange a date and clinic location that works for their clients.

    2.b Our clinic coordinator will liaise with your organization to arrange the clinic date and location that works for your team.

  • 3.a This can become an annual social responsibility event to provide continued care for the Not for Profit or social program.

    3.b An event for your team to receive continuity of care, and referrals. Our clinic coordinator will provide information regarding the recommended interval between ongoing clinics based on clinical data following the day.

A healthy mouth means a healthy life

The impact of your sponsored clinic or group event is powerful! Proceeds will directly fund mobile clinics for Canada’s priority populations, like our affordable oral health and vision in-school and senior programs.

You can make a huge difference! Contribute towards helping make oral healthcare affordable for everyone.